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Artemy Biryukov
Artemy Biryukov

Api 687 Pdf Free Download [TOP] The shaft sensing areas to be observed byradial-vibration probes shall be concentric with the bearingjournals.All shaft sensing areas (both radial vibration and axialposi-tion) shall be free from discontinuities, for a minimum ofoneprobe-tip diameter on each side of the probe. These areasshallnot be metallized or plated. The final surface finish shallbe amaximum of 0.8 m (32 inch) Ra, preferably obtainedby honing orburnishing. These areas shall be properlydemagnetized to the levelsspecified in Paragraph orotherwise treated so that thecombined total electrical andmechanical runout does not exceed 25percent of the maxi-mum allowed peak to peak vibration amplitude,as specifiedin the applicable API specification, or the followingvalue,whichever is greater:

Api 687 Pdf Free Download

9.6.2 Vibration Probe Area Runouts The shaft sensingareas to be observed by radialvibration probes shall be concentricwith the bearing journals. All shaft sensing areas (both radialvibration and axial position) shall be free from discontinuities,for a minimum of one probe-tip diameter on each side of the probe.These areas shall not be metallized or plated. The nal surface nishshall be a maximum of 0.8 m (32 inch) Ra, preferably obtained byhoning or burnishing. These areas shall be properly demagnetized tothe levels specied in Paragraph or otherwise treated sothat the combined total electrical and mechanical runout does notexceed 25 percent of the maximum allowed peak to peak vibrationamplitude, as specied in the applicable API specication, or thefollowing value, whichever is greater: a. For areas to be observedby radial vibration probes, 6 m (0.25 mil).

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