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Ethan Reed
Ethan Reed


Michael Thomson, in a review for the BBC, said the film was a "dark, grisly adventure" influenced by William Golding's novel Lord of the Flies, with the hole substituting for the island setting. He criticized the camerawork and some of the dialogue, but praised Thora Birch.[6]

The Hole

The pressure evidently worked, as Rinder wrote an "Apology and Announcement" on June 4, 2005 in which he told Miscavige, "I recognise very clearly how Treasonous I have been towards you and Scientology."[12] He subsequently commented that such written confessions "read like North Korean POW writeups",[12] alluding to the way that Korean War POWs detained in North Korea were forced to go through brainwashing to renounce their "reactionary imperialist" mindset. He explained to the Tampa Bay Times why people did not simply walk out of the Hole: "If you leave you are going to lose contact with your family and any friends who are Scientologists. You have it pounded into you the whole time that the only reason someone leaves a group like that is because they are bad, that you have done something that force you to have to leave."[20] He noted people had invested a great deal of themselves in Scientology, that Sea Org members have "made a commitment beyond even a single lifetime" and that the prevailing attitude was that, "'I've lived through many lifetimes and there are lots of experiences that I've had that are far worse than this, so I can put up with this and I can stand it'."[20]

The Hole Hiking Experience is an authorized permittee and non-discriminatory winter concessionaire of Grand Teton National Park and an equal opportunity provider and permittee of the Bridger-Teton, Shoshone, and Caribou-Targhee National Forests. Established in 1989. 2021, all rights reserved. For information and booking: 307.690.4453 or

In early 2022, when I turned 50, I had just spent a year in the hole in another Missouri prison following a riot. Rev. Mary Mitchell, a minister and longtime friend, asked me how I made it. She wanted to share any advice I had with the other prisoners she corresponds with. Now, to reach an even larger audience, I present my top 10 tips on surviving the hole:

Always practice your faith. Day in and day out, I prayed, meditated and took Bible-related correspondence courses. I also practiced martial arts and breathing techniques, and I worked on improving my foresight. For me, faith is the most important survival tool. Faith is what got me through my worst-of-the-worst times in the hole.

"The Hole In Wand is a magical, one-of-a-kind experience In York that's perfect for the whole family. It's an immersive, hands-on activity that's really fun - no wonder our kids keep asking to go back"

The annual Antarctic ozone hole reached an average area of 23.2 million square kilometers between September 7, 2022, and October 13, 2022. This depleted area of the ozone layer over the South Pole was slightly smaller than the average for the same period last year and generally continued the overall shrinking trend of recent years.

Researchers at NASA and NOAA detect and measure the growth and breakup of the ozone hole with instruments aboard the Aura, Suomi NPP, and NOAA-20 satellites. On Oct. 5, 2022, those satellites observed a single-day maximum ozone hole of 26.4 million square kilometers (10.2 million square miles), slightly larger than last year. The map at the top of this page shows the size and shape of the ozone hole over the South Pole on that day.

The rest of his people had been massacred in a series of attacks from the 1970s onwards, but little was known about his people as he resisted attempts to contact him. Known to outsiders as The Man of the Hole for his habit of constructing deep holes, some with sharpened stakes in them, he was filmed by a government team in 2018 during a chance encounter.

After nailing a piece of canvas to the floor, Pindell would apply layers of gesso and acrylic paint, either spraying the paint on or pushing it through a stencil with a squeegee. Hundreds or even thousands of paper and metal circles, some of them punched out of the stencil she was just using, were then carefully distributed across the canvas, bonding with the wet paint. Pindell often painted the metal plates, manila folders and sheets of papers before she attacked them with a hole punch, giving the resulting disks a confetti-like look.

A bosonic condensate of exciton polaritons in a semiconductor microcavity is a macroscopic quantum state subject to pumping and decay. The fundamental nature of this driven-dissipative condensate is still under debate. Here, we gain an insight into spontaneous condensation by imaging long-lifetime exciton polaritons in a high-quality inorganic microcavity in a single-shot optical excitation regime, without averaging over multiple condensate realisations. We demonstrate that condensation is strongly influenced by an incoherent reservoir and that the reservoir depletion, the so-called spatial hole burning, is critical for the transition to the ground state. Condensates of photon-like polaritons exhibit strong shot-to-shot fluctuations and density filamentation due to the effective self-focusing associated with the reservoir depletion. In contrast, condensates of exciton-like polaritons display smoother spatial density distributions and are second-order coherent. Our observations show that the single-shot measurements offer a unique opportunity to study fundamental properties of non-equilibrium condensation in the presence of a reservoir.

In this work, we perform single-shot real-space imaging of exciton polaritons created by a short laser pulse in a high-quality inorganic microcavity supporting long-lifetime polaritons15, 30,40. By utilising the highly non-stationary single-shot regime, we show that the transition to ground-state condensation is driven primarily by reservoir depletion. This is in contrast to the quasi-stationary CW where this transition is driven by non-radiative (e.g. phonon-assisted41) energy relaxation processes that are more efficient for more excitonic polaritons42. Furthermore, we confirm that spatial fragmentation (filamentation) of the condensate density is an inherent property of a non-equilibrium, spontaneous bosonic condensation resulting from initial random population of high-energy and momenta states, and will persist even after relaxation to the lowest energy and momentum occurs. We unambiguously link this behaviour to the highly non-stationary nature of the condensate produced in a single-shot experiment, as well as to trapping of condensing polaritons in an effective random potential induced by spatially inhomogeneous depletion of the reservoir, i.e. the hole burning effect34. We argue that the reservoir depletion and the resulting filamentation is the feature of the condensate growth rather than an indication of its dynamical instability. Finally, we use a wide range of detuning between the cavity photon and QW excitons40 available in our experiments to vary the fraction of photon and exciton in a polariton quasiparticle1,5, and demonstrate transition from a condensate of light, photonic polaritons with strong filamentation and large shot-to-shot density fluctuations to a more homogeneous state of heavy, excitonic polaritons with reduced density fluctuations, which is only weakly affected by the incoherent reservoir.

The spectral signatures of this regime shown in Figs. 1(e) and 5(b, c) confirm the scenario of the hole burning accompanied by energy relaxation (Fig. 1(h)), as seen in the experimental images Figs. 1(d), and 5(d, e). We note that the apparent narrowing of the energy trace with increasing pump power seen in Fig. 1(d) (as compared to Fig. 1(c)) is associated with the faster depletion rate γD due to the larger polariton density created by the stronger pump.

View the latest status of the ozone layer over the Antarctic, with a focus on the ozone hole. Satellite instruments monitor the ozone layer, and we use their data to create the images that depict the amount of ozone.

The graphs above show the progress of the ozone hole for 2022. The gray shading indicates the highest and lowest values measured since 1979. The red numbers are the maximum or minimum values. The stratospheric temperature and the amount of sunlight reaching the south polar region control the depth and size of the Antarctic ozone hole. The dashed line in the minimum temperature plot indicates the temperature below which Type I (NAT) PSCs can form.

The data for the ozone hole area, the minimum ozone, and the minimum stratospheric temperature are available. Also available is a table of values showing the maximum ozone hole area and the minimum ozone values for each year. 041b061a72

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